“Diagnosing him as such [Putin as a madman] assumes that sanity is the normative state of people … “

“Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.”
“Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.”
“Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.”
“Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.”
“Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people … “
“War is the worst evil that people have inflicted upon one another, at costs to themselves, since some hominid discovered the lethal efficacy of rocks. It is waged continually somewhere or other in every generation, furiously now, in Ukraine, and fitfully in the Middle East and Africa. The recurring horror has paused on a global scale—holding its breath, you may feel—only because, post-Hiroshima, nuclear weaponry bodes suicide for the next power to use it. Or so we have thought, and perhaps still think, but with shaken complacency. What never ends is the primordial emotional tug toward organized mayhem, which is playing out, yet again, in Eastern Europe in the face of widespread revulsion. Putin: Monster! But a madman? Diagnosing him as such assumes that sanity is the normative state of people with power.”

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