Joanne Lauck (Voice of the Infinite) believes “that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm”. We humans create a “hostile world”. We teach prejudice. … Moreover, “there are real reasons why we mistrust and fear insects. Few have much to do with the actual insect. Most involve misperceptions about them and about ourselves, and are tied to a multitude of beliefs about our place in the Earth community.”

Nevertheless “there are no freaks, misfits, or accidents. There are only things that humans do not understand.” Mutant Message Down Under, Marlo Morgan

“Our psychological ties to insects (also) stem from ‘biophilia’ a term coined by ant authority Edward Wilson* for our inborn capacity to love all life forms.” Therefore, “ecological restoration is at its essence a restoration of ourselves … ” and a “journey to wholeness”. [* ]

Margaret Wheatley (Leadership and the New Science) “believes that generating enough information and interaction between people (and weathering the state of confusion that it brings initially) is the place to be if the members of an organization want to be open to new thoughts. The period of chaos is an essential part of a deep ordering process that, given time and enough interaction, can arise from a stew of ideas and people.”

We do need to reject “the tyranny of efficiency”. “In Kinds of Power, James Hillman says that ‘efficiency is a primary mode of denial.’ It elevates the job being done–in this case, agricultural productivity–above all other considerations. The Nazis killed people efficiently, Hillman points out, and now we are raising food efficiently, supposedly to end world hunger–at a cost we have yet to comprehend.”

[Also. I would hope that you will view: and then read Voice of the Infinite!]

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